Course Description


If you want to (1) prevent toxic mold in your home or (2) remove mold from your home, the Toxic Mold Bundle will give you step-by-step walk through guides you need to accomplish these two goals. Learning how to prevent toxic mold and WHY it's so harmful to your health.

Goals & Outcomes for you and your home:

  • (1) Find out the best course of action to remove mold from your home
  • (2) Learn how to detect mold
  • (3) Keep your home healthy and free from mold

Workbooks, Checklists & Printable Guides You Will Get:

(1)Toxic Mold & Your Health

(2) Mold & Mildew Checklist

(3) Know When to Call A Professional

(4) Mold Contractor Workbook

(5) Mold Prevention Checklist

(6) Mold Legal Guide

(7) Moisture Intrusion Checklist

Certified Building Biologist & Certified Home Inspector

Amanda Klecker

I hold a national certification as Certified Home Inspector. As a woman in an overwhelmingly male-dominated industry, I am a one of kind inspector. Not only do I understand the structure and safety issues a home can potentially have, I also understand the client/agent relationship TO A TEE. I’ve worked with hundreds of agents and clients on successful home sales. As a Building Biology Practitioner, I understand just what to look for in a home to ensure the indoor air quality and humidity levels in a home are perfect for health and wellness. This is something I love teaching to real estate agents as it can make all the difference when working with a chemically sensitive client, or a buyer focused on their health and wellness. My experience as a Healthy Home Consultant and Environmental Specialist takes the idea of a healthy home to the next level. I help remodelers, builders and even home DIYers find the healthiest materials possible to make sure their home is becoming less toxic with each project. I understand the science based research that comes with the topic of toxin exposure and I help families safely live in their homes.

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Chapter 1: Mold & Mildew Checklist

    • How to Use this Checklist

    • How to Check Your House

    • Mold & Mildew Checklist

  • 4

    Chapter 3: Toxic Mold Prevention

    • How to Prevent Toxic Mold in Your House

    • Overview of How to Prevent Mold from Starting

    • How to Look for Leaks and Water Created Inside Your Home

    • Mold Prevention Guide

    • Moisture Intrusion Checklist Download

  • 5

    Chapter 4: Legal & Insurance Guide

    • You Found Mold, Now What?

    • Toxic Mold Legal Guide

    • Overview of Insurance Claim information & Legal Options

  • 6

    Chapter 5: When to Call a Mold Professional

    • DIY or Contractor?

    • Mold Professional Workbook

    • Precautions to Take When Removing Mold

  • 7

    Chapter 6: Mold Inspection & Remediation Guide

    • How to Hire a Contractor

    • Mold Inspectors & Contractors

    • Mold Contractor Checklist